Full Stack Java Course
- What is html?
- Html paragraphs
- Html headings
- Links
- Html forms
- Use of get()method
- Use of post()method
- Html table
- how to use radio buttons and checkbox
- What is CSS and its Syntax
- Ways to insert CSS in html page
- Internal CSS
- External CSS
- Inline CSS
- Types of Selector
- id selector
- class selector
- element selector
- what is JavaScript
- ways to insert JavaScript in html page
- in head
- in body
- External JavaScript
- How to call functions of JavaScript
- Events in JavaScript Table creation by using JavaScript
- Introduction of Angular10
- Basic Architecture of Angular Application
- Angular Semantic Versioning
- Environment Setup
- Creating First Angular Application
- Folder Structure
- Angular CLI
- Typescript Sessions
- Angular Building Blocks Modules
Decorators Components Bootstrap Integration
Service and Dependency Injection
- Data Binding
One Way Data Binding and Two Way Data Binding Interpolation, Property, Event Binding
- Directives
- Pipes
- Routing
Router Module, Router Outlet SPA
- Angular Forms
Core Java
- java 8 Interface
- java 8 Interface default method
- java 8 Interface static Method
- java 8 Functional Interface
- java 8 Functional Interface Examples
- java 8 Lambda Expression
- java 8 Method References
- java 8 forEach () Method
- java 8 Stream API
- java 8 Stream Filter
- java 8 Collection
- java 8 New Date/Time API
- Important Features of Java
- History of Java
- Important Features of Java
- JVM Architecture
- JDK 1.8, JRE and JVM
- Java Keywords
- Simple Hello World Program
- Java Flow Control
- Source File
- Class and Objects
- Data Types
- Primitive Data Types
- Non − Primitive Data Types
- Constructor
- Packages
- Instance & Static Variable
- Static Block
- Has-A Relation (secondary Reference)
- Setter and Getter
- Method return type (primitive type and class type)
- Inheritance (IS-A)
- Constructor and Inheritance
- Inheritance with parent reference and Child constructor
- Covariant Return Types
- Inheritance and type casting
- This/Super Keyword
- Polymorphism
- Method Overloading
- Constructor Overloading
- Compile time Polymorphism
- Overloading and Narrowing Concept
- Method Overriding
- @override Annotation
- Overriding and toString () method
- Abstraction
- Abstract class
- Interface
- Marker Interface
- Interface and Multiple Inheritance
- Interface Uses and Benefit with example
- Difference of Interface and Abstract class
Advance Java
- Introduction
- ORM(Object Relational Mapping)
- Advantage of ORM
- ORM Tools List
- Hibernate architecture
- Hibernate with JPA
- Installation and Directory Structure
- Hibernate Advantages over JDBC
- Hibernate and Annotation
- Hibernate Configuration File
- Hibernate with JavaBased (ZeroXMLfile)
- Hibernate Utility file
- Load and get method difference
- save, save or update, persist method
- Inheritance in Hibernate(IS-A)
- Default Inheritance
- SingleTable
- Joined
- Table Per class
- Hibernate Mapping(Has-A)
- One-To-One
- OneTo-ManyMany-To
- Many-To-Many
- Hibernate Query Language(HQL)
- Hibernate Annotations
- Caching in Hibernate
- First Level Cach
- Second Level Cache
- Scalar queries
o Native SQL
o Criteria Builder
o Name Queries
o Procedures - Criteria Builder
- Hibernate Transaction Management
- CRUD Operations
Spring IOC
- What is Spring
- Spring Modules
- What is IOC
- Spring IOC Container
- Bean Factory/Core Container
- Application Context/Advance/J2EEContainer
- Spring Bean life Cycle
- Bean Scope
- Singleton Scope
- Prototype Scope
- Lazy and Eagar Loading Concept
- Scope Combination
- Dependency Injection
- Setter Based
- Constructor Based
- Spring IOC Container
- Setter Based XML & Java Based:-
Primitive,Secondary, Array, Collect in Injection - Constructor Based XML & JavaBased:-
- Primitive
- Secondary
- Collection Injection
- Auto wiring
by Type Constructor
autodetect none
Spring Web MVC
- Spring MVC
- Features Of Web MVC
- Life Cycle of Web MVC
- Execution Flow of MVC
- Create the Request and view Pages Create
- Controller
Configure Dispatcher Servlet- Configure view Resolver
- Stereotype Annotation MVC
@Service @Repository - Spring MVC–Multiple Controllers
- @Request Mapping–Working with Parameters
@PathVariable - Handler Mapping
- Controller Class
- View Resolvers
- Form Handling
- Spring Form Validation
- Spring Hibernate Integration(XMLandJavaBased)
- MiniProject
Spring Boot
- Spring Boot Introduction
- Spring Boot Features
- Advantages Over Spring Web MVC
- Creating Spring Boot Application Using
- Maven
- UsingSpringInitializer(http://start.spring.io/)UsingSpring
- Removal Of XML Files
- Simple Application Using Spring Boot
- Spring Boot Starters
- @Spring Boot Application Annotation
- Spring Application Class
- Spring Boot Actuator.
- Embaded Servlet containers
- Spring Boot Profiles
- Spring Boot With Data JPA(CRUD Repository)
- Mini Project Using Spring Boot
Spring Boot JPA
- What is Spring Boot JPA?
- JPA Annotations
- Curd Repository
- JPA Repository
- Custom Queries
o Using Method Name - JPA Named Queries
- Query Annotation